Haydeé Peruyero
I obtained my PhD degree in november 2021 at the Institute of Mathematics in the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). I enjoy coding and designing 3D models of minimal surfaces, periodic tessellations, as well as models in Maya Autodesk based on Python. You can see some of my structures here. From March 2021 to January 2022 I worked as chief of the department of Basic Sciences in ITSMT. From February 2022 to January 2023, I was a CONACYT postdoctoral researcher at Center of Sciences Mathematics in UNAM Morelia, Michoacán with the project Propiedades invariantes de Variedades de Gráficas Superiore with Dr. Jesús Hernández Hernández as my supervisor. Currently, I am a DGAPA posdoctoral researcher at Center of Sciences Mathematics in UNAM Morelia, Michoacán with the project TDA y Machine learning aplicado a Metagenómica e invariantes de Variedades de Gráficas with Dr. Daniel Juan Pineda as my supervisor. You can donwload my complete CV here.