More about me

In 2021, I defended my PhD thesis, done under the direction of Pablo Suárez Serrato. The text is available here (in spanish).

From March 2021 to January 2022 I worked as Chief of the department of Basic Sciences in ITSMT. Part of my work here include the following:

  • Seminario de Ciencias Básicas.

  • Aplicación y análisis de evaluaciones diagnósticas.

  • Coordinadora del Programa Estatal de Servicio Social en Línea para Estudiantes de Nivel Medio Superior.

  • Organización de Concursos de Ciencias Básicas.

Right now, I am a postdoctoral researcher at Center of Sciencies Mathematics UNAM in Morelia, Michoacán.

I am co-organizer of the following activities:

I am a member of the Laboratorio de Bioinformática Genómica and I am collaborating in the development of the Software Carpentry lesson Pangenomics Workshop Overview.

You can contact me at:

  • haydeeperuyero[at]

  • haydeeperuyero[at]


Haydeé Peruyero

Postdoctoral Researcher at Center of Sciences Mathematics in UNAM Morelia, Michoacán.
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