I am a mathematician and I obtain my PhD degree in November 2021 at the Institute of Mathematics in the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Right now, I am a postdoctoral researcher at Center of Sciencies Mathematics in Morelia, Michoacán.
I like teaching, programming and study languages.
More about me
In 2021, I defended my PhD thesis, done under the direction of Pablo Suárez Serrato. The text is available here (in spanish).
From March 2021 to January 2022 I worked as Chief of the department of Basic Sciences in ITSMT. Part of my work here include the following:
Seminario de Ciencias Básicas.
Aplicación y análisis de evaluaciones diagnósticas.
Coordinadora del Programa Estatal de Servicio Social en Línea para Estudiantes de Nivel Medio Superior.
Organización de Concursos de Ciencias Básicas.
Right now, I am a postdoctoral researcher at Center of Sciencies Mathematics UNAM in Morelia, Michoacán.
I am co-organizer of the following activities:
Primer Encuentro de Mujeres en Topología, Geometría y sus Aplicaciones
XXV Escuela de Otoño y XIX Encuentro Nacional de Biología Matemática
Hackathon “Reto Critical Assesment of Massive Data (CAMDA) de geolocalización de datos de microbioma”
I am also coorganizing the permanent activities:
From Septiembre 2022: Long-distance seminar on Geometric Group Theory in Mexico
From January 2023: R-Ladies Morelia
I am a member of the Laboratorio de Bioinformática Genómica and I am collaborating in the development of the Software Carpentry lesson Pangenomics Workshop Overview.
You can contact me at: