By Haydeé Peruyero
January 31, 2024
- Poster presentation at 1st Asia&Pacific Bioinformatics Joint Conference, ” Microbial Diversity and Characterization of Stingless Bee Honey from the Yucatán Peninsula”, Okinawa, Japan, October 2024.
- Speaker at XIX Seminario de Matemáticas Aplicadas UATx with the conference “Análisis Topológico de Datos aplicado a la transferencia horizontal de genes de resistencia antimicrobiana”, Tlaxcala, México, September 2024.
- Speaker at Escuela de Matemáticas de América Latina y el Caribe Cuernavaca 2024 with the conference “Analizando datos con topología y geometría”. Morelos, México, June 2024.
- Speaker at 2024 Joint Mathematics Meetings with the conference “Asymptotic dimension and geometric decompositions in dimension 4”, SFO, January 2024.
- Speaker at XXIV Escuela de Otoño (EOBM) y el XVII Encuentro Nacional (ENBM), of Bio-mathematics, with the course Aplicaciones de análisis topológico de datos a Pangenómica, october 9 - 14 , 2023, Xalapa, Veracruz.
- Speaker at Taller Propedéutico de Ingreso al PCCM 2023 with the conference Algunas aplicaciones relacionadas al análisis topológico de datos y aprendizaje geométrico profundo, October 9, 2023, CCM UNAM, Morelia.
- Speaker at Iberoamerican and Pan Pacific International Conference on Topology and its Applications with the conference Invariants under quasi-isometries, September 11 - 14, 2023, Puebla, Puebla.
- Poster presentation at Topology, regression and metapangenome enrich conventional microbiome analyses en la 31st Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology y el 22th European Conference On Computational Biology as part of the Annual International Conference on Critical Assessment of Massive Data Analysis, July 24 - 27, 2023, Lyon, Francia.
- Speaker at the Workshop Técnicas Modernas en Geometría Riemanniana 2023, with the conference Algunos invariantes de cuasi-isometrías, july 24 - 27, 2023, IMATE UNAM, CDMX.
- Speaker at Décima Jornada de Geometría, Topología y Dinámica with the conference Algunos problemas relacionados al análisis topológico de datos y aprendizaje geométrico, june 16, 2023, CCM UNAM, Morelia.
- Speaker at PI Day in the Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Martínez de la Torre with the conference Algunas aplicaciones relacionadas al análisis topológico de datos y aprendizaje geométrico, March 14, 2023, Mtz. de la Torre, Veracruz.
- Speaker at 2023 Midwest Geometry Conference, with the conference “Higher graph manifolds, properties and invariants”, Manhattan, Kansas, March 2023.
- Speaker at 2023 Joint Mathematics Meetings with the conference “Collapsing and group growth as an obstruction to Einstein metrics on some smooth 4-manifolds”, Boston, January 2023.
- Speaker at Seminario FISMAT with the conference “Algunos problemas relacionados al análisis topológico de datos y aprendizaje geométrico”, November 15th, 2022, Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas de la Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo.
- Poster presentation at the 8th Mexican Workshop on Applied Geometry and Topology with the poster “Topological data analysis applied to metagenomics and pangenomics data of Clavibacter”, November 2022.
- Poster presentation at the 8th Mexican Workshop on Applied Geometry and Topology with the poster “Topological and Geometric explorations of Autism fMRI connectomes”. November 2022.
- Speaker ISCB-Latin America SoIBio BioNetMX Conference on Bioinformatics 2022 with the poster Topological data analysis applied to metagenomics and pangenomics data of Clavibacter, November 2022.
- Speaker at 55 Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana with the conference Cuasi-isometrías e invariantes, October 2022.
- Speaker at Coloquio del Posgrado Conjunto de Ciencias Matemáticas with the conference Variedades de Gráficas y Métricas de Einstein, September 2022.
- Speaker at Seminario de Geometría with the conference Cuasi-isometrías, invariantes y aplicaciones, September 2023.
- Speaker at XXII Escuela de Verano en Matemáticas with the conference Cuasi-Isometrías y algunos invariantes, August 2022, CCM UNAM.
- Speaker at Escuela de Teoría Geométrica de Grupos with the conference ¿Qué significa crecimiento?, July 2022, CCM UNAM.
- Speaker at Seminario DIVAGEO with the conference Variedades de gráficas, propiedades y métricas de Einstein, May 2022.
- Speaker at Seminario a distancia de Teoría Geométrica de Grupos with the conference Variedades de Gráficas de dimensiones superiores, propiedades e invariantes, Abril 2022.
- Speaker at 54 Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana with the conference Sobre Variedades de Gráficas, October 2021.
- Speaker at Geometric Group Theory seminar in Cambridge with the conference About higher graph manifolds, May 2021.
- Speaker at Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting, Recent Developments in Differential Geometry, III, with the conference Quasi-isometric rigidity in cusp-decomposable manifolds, March 2021.
- Speaker at Sextas Jornadas de Geometría, Topología y Dinámica with the conference Sobre las variedades de gráficas de dimensiones superiores, March 2021
- Topological gastronomy poster in Workshop and Winter School on Geometric and Topological Data Analysis, CIMAT, January 2020.
- Speaker at seminar ATD and related topics in CIMAT with the conference Topological gastronomy, November 2019.
- Speaker at LII Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana with the conference: Rigidez Casi-Isométrica en Variedades de Gráficas Superiores. Octubre 2019, Monterrey, México.
- Speaker at Workshop Geometría Diferencial y Rigidez de espacios singulares with the conference: Rigidez Casi-Isométrica en Variedades de Gráficas Superiores. June 2019, CCM UNAM, Morelia, México.
- Speaker at XLV Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana with the conference: Triangulaciones de 3-variedades hiperbólicas que fibran sobre el círculo con fibra el toro sin un punto, November 2012, Querétaro, México.
- Aplicaciones de las Bases de Gröbner, XLIII Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana, November 3 2010, Chiapas, México. Criptología, VII Foro de Matemáticas del Sureste, May 17 2010, Tabasco, México.
- Posted on:
- January 31, 2024
- Length:
- 4 minute read, 846 words
- See Also: